Local Business Entity and SEO

Part Of: Entity Based SEO - 2024 Guide
by Wayne Smith

The entity-relationship model is fundamental to how AI processes language and how search engines determine page relevancy. Instead of looking at how many times a keyword is used; A content strategy for relevancy uses related entities on the page, and for the citations to cover the closely related terms.

Full Stack SEO, Entity Relationship Model

Take for example the meaning or understanding of full-stack SEO in entity-relationship model terms:

As search evolves more related concepts become part of what is considered SEO. Newer SEO concepts include interactions, (or engagement), and user intent. These are gain of knowledge within the search engine ... Search needs to deliever up to date information to remain relevant.

Content, (or page relevancy) and links, (internal, backlinks, and citations) have always been part of SEO: but the concept of "entities" is new, (a gain of knowledge), and its relationship with SEO is they are a part of content relevancy or on-page SEO.

The relationship of full stack to SEO is archetypal; At least that is how I'm using it, which is consistent with how full stack is used in the computer industry. However, "Full Stack SEO," is not yet a Google entity. SEO is constantly evolving ... Old-school SEO has been mostly related to backlinks and technical SEO is mostly related to coding. Hence, full stack is a qualifier until it becomes an entity.

That covers what the Entity (relationship model) is, the relationships between concepts.

... Entity SEO and Creating a Brand Entity...

For a simple site, to use entities, one does not need more than a basic understanding of how words are semantically related. In short natural language processing is trying to use words the way you think about them. And, related entities are often related pages on a website.

SEO Truths has a video on his channel showing how Entity SEO is done. Not affilated to me, just a third party advancing knowledge.

It should be noted that "entity SEO" is two seperate entities at this point. To become an entity it needs to be discussed by third parties like proper branding for a business ... "entity SEO" will not become an entity until the LLM, (large language model) and AI can define it as a entity.

When Google updates its list of entities for search ... search ranking related to on-page relevancy will change.

... Where do entities come from? and how are they organized ...

The initial collection of entities Google acquired by purchasing Freebase, on July 16, 2010. Wikidata.org is also an entity catalog used by Google. Every Wikipedia page links to, (in the page schema), a wikidata.org entry, so every Wikipedia page is an entity. Google Trends also converts search queries to entities.

Google's Knowledge Panel and Knowledge Graph data reports on the entities Google is using ... as noted "Full Stack SEO," is not yet an entity. Ultimately, if "Full Stack SEO" becomes a common term and it looks like it might, it too will become an entity.

... Can one page cover an entity? ...

Most concepts can not be fully covered in one page. Even the concept of entities has a lot of nuances and numerous points of view. However, a listical is more often than not a single page that covers an entity, at least at a superficial level. But generally, a silo or hub of webpages needs to be created.

A listicle has a topic, (an entity), with a LEDE which is a TLDR for the topic and all the sub-topics related to the main topic. The LEDE can find its way into a featured snippet on the top of a search or be used in part for an AI overview.

Infographic on listicle topic structure for SEO

... Solution Smith tests SEO tactics so you don't have to ...

Full-stack SEO has a lot of moving parts, and it takes time and effort to understand the nuances involved. Solution Smith takes care of the overhead costs associated with digital marketing resulting in real savings in terms of time and effort.

A search algorithms is based off of mathmatics and ranking factors must be quantifiable or countable ... factors that are only true or false can be used for quality indicators to determine if a site will be listed or buried.