Technology Guides

Full Stack SEO, Best Practices

There are numerous summaries of SEO best practices available but for understanding the nuance, algorithms, and reasons many of these are lacking. Google themselves provides a best practice guide but does not explain the why or the nuance behind the best practices. The best practices are full stack SEO that combines: What the site says about itself, (or on-site SEO); What the web says about the site, (or off-site SEO); How the users interact with the content; And, includes technical SEO, (sitemaps, robots.txt, canonicalization, etc).

Technical SEO Best Practices in 2024

Technical SEO is part of the full stack of SEO: Technical SEO deals with hosting configuration and on-page coding. It generally does not involve content strategy or keyword strategy; but, it does involve itself in meta tags and resolving duplicate content, (at the server level). At the content management system level, it involves itself in the schema and site navigation, friendly URL structure ... et la. Technical SEO is involved in SEO practices that do not change the appearance of content on the site.

Search Algorithms 2024

Algorithms are mathematical and do not follow wants and desires. Understanding how algorithms work is a great assistance to search engine optimization.
