Best Practices for Entity Based SEO

Part Of: Full Stack SEO Best Practices
by Wayne Smith

The entity-relationship model is fundamental to how AI processes language and how search engines determine page relevancy. Instead of looking at how many times a keyword is used; A content strategy for relevancy uses related entities on the page, and for the citations to cover the closely related terms.

Off-page Entity SEO is the practice of linking to pages that have a relationship to the entity of the page.

On-page Entity SEO is the practice of covering the relevant details and relationships of the entity on the page. As well as the relationship between the brand or site to the entity. A brand, (entity), can sell a product, (another entity). AI learns that the product entity can be sold and is sold by the brand.

A brand has an identifiable relationship model with all related entities services or products it offers. When a brand comes into existence it is a clean slate, which can freely identify its products without the history or baggage an already existing term has.

When a local business is created and structured as an entity it becomes relevant to the business location and products or services it offers.

What are entities in seo?

Entities are a product of large language models, they are created and used by artificial intelligence. Search engines can and do use these entity data indexes to determine relevancy and rank pages and sites.

An entity can be a person, place, thing, or thing created by a person. In SEO the best practice is to expand or define the relationship between entities. Entity optimization is achieved by both the frequency of usage of the entity on the page and the usage of same as and related or semantic entities on the page and page links.

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A search algorithms is based off of mathmatics and ranking factors must be quantifiable or countable ... factors that are only true or false can be used for quality indicators to determine if a site will be listed or buried.